How easy is meal time for you?!
Over The last two weeks I've been so busy + before having our Tovala Smart Oven there were days where I'd forget my own lunch. I know, who does that right?! We've been using our @tovalafood Smart Oven + Tovala Meals for about a month now and it has made a huge difference in our home. Not to mention their food is SO good! Their chef-prepared meals are delivered straight to our doorstep and I'm a sucker for convenience so you know this has become my BFF. Honestly my favorite part about this Smart Oven is that I am able to scan over 750+ grocery items as well. Such a freaking game changer you guys!
➡️ It's as easy as scanning your barcode, putting your meal in the oven & in 20 min or less it's ready! Yes, I said Barcode. 🙌 When you get your Tovala Meals they come with Recipe Cards & when you scan the Barcode it puts in the exact amount of cooking time on your Smart Oven. Honestly it's perfect because I can get the boys lunch together while mine cooks 🧡👏 Mom win!
Smart Oven Features:
They also have a 100 day FREE trial !
If you use the Smart Oven / Meals and don't absolutely love them you are able to get your money back guaranteed . Hopefully that isn't the case though because this Oven is the coolest thing in my kitchen!
Herb Roasted Chicken with Pasta
🎃 Use code DEVIN50 for $50 off